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All About Us!
This is all about the Texans, with everything from the fans right down to the players. We are not associated with the Houston Texans nor are we any part of their franchise. What you see on this web site is non-profit, fan opinionated, down-to-earth fun. We have no ties with the Texans and they wanted us to make sure of that.
As for the web masters... first we have Jeff - also
known as TexanLee. Jeff is 41 years old and is currently employed with TSA, Inc... We support all HP products. And for the important information, yes... he is still single (hint, hint ladies...) and has no kids.
Next, we have Dean - Also known as TexanRed. Dean currently has no age since he has recently started looking younger the past few years. Dean is a former Marine and who has been fortunate to be one of few people who have made it many years working with HP (formerly a part of the Compaq side) and is working towards many more years with them. Dean has himself three wonderful daughters... McKenzie, Kailie, and Allie. And as a matter of fact, yes! Dean is available ;-)
And of course, we can't leave out Andy (Our official Photographer). All of the pictures you see on our site are taken by Andy. Andy is also
a former Marine (that's where he met Dean as well as his wife, Katie).
Andy is now working as a contractor inside of HP (thanks to these crappy BS work force reductions taking place for the past 8 years now). At least it is
a job and his wife doesn't have to support him anymore :-)
Well, this will sum up the basic information regarding your local folks at TexansBullPen.com, now go enjoy the rest of our site!!!
Web site designed and created by: LeeAlex Entertainment.
Contact the Web Master:webmaster@texansbullpen.com